Meet the Author

Raj Sundarason

Raj Sundarason has held leadership roles in SAP & is currently the Chief Evangelist at WalkMe, the premier DAP provider where he the SVP for the Asia Pacific Region.

He is best known for building predictable sales teams and being the Chief Evangelist of Digital Adoption. His book, The DAP Strategy was published to share learnings on how to de-risk new ways of working given the challenges organizations faced given the scale and pace of change in digital transformation programs.

Fueled by his ideology of the Power of How, he collaborates with international senior digital transformation leaders to match business challenges with digital adoption program solutions that impact revenue, cost, and risk imperatives.

Raj led a digital transformation program for 26,000 employees across 12 countries as a customer of the company. He learned firsthand the challenges with these programs, digital IQ, change management, and quantifying returns on investment.

Previously, Raj spent more than 20 years in software sales and leadership. The majority of his career has been in growth roles, building businesses from the ground up. In these roles, Raj has attracted and developed high performance teams and created an environment for their success, focusing on building predictable businesses where breadth of participation is core.

Raj studied law and psychology in the UK and received his MBA from the Melbourne Business School in Australia. A fan of football and red wine, he now lives in Singapore with his wife and three children.

Raj in The Media

Transform your organization from the inside out! Read The DAP Strategy to leverage the Power of How and start your company on the path to a successful, DAP-driven future.


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